Women have always been loved and highly valued by God & integral to the spread of the Gospel. The Three Waves Movement simply could not make meaningful progress without women. We enthusiastically elevate women, their voices, and their contributions!
Women of indigenous cultures of the Amazon have long been oppressed and abused. As they have understood more clearly their value, influence, and potential contribution to the Three Waves Movement, they have begun to organize – reinforcing and empowering fellow women across tribal and country borders.
Today, there are networks of indigenous Amazonian women springing up in several countries. Their focus is to equip tribal women to become a powerful, Godly influence in their own families, communities, and the world still waiting to hear the Good News. Their ministries are relational, sustainable, and transformational.
God is raising up a team of women spread across the Amazon regions, and funds are needed to bring them together. Throughout the year, these network leaders hold planning & training meetings, where they gather to encourage, equip, and cast unified vision for ministry. It is essential that women serving in full-time ministry attend strategic meetings to facilitate healthy connection, be equipped for sustainable impact, and strengthen unity in ministry. Other gatherings range from nation-wide conferences to impromptu pastoral care visits. Partial expenses are covered from within South America. Funds raised will help cover mainly transportation costs.
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