God positions the right people in the right place at the right time and in Peru today, the right people are Juan Carlos & Zulema Sánchez. As leaders of the Three Waves movement, they are dedicated to empowering the indigenous church to reach the lost. This non-traditional way of doing ministry has cost them relationships and financial security, but like unrelenting ocean waves, they trust Jesus to wash over the rocks in their pursuit of a unified Body of Christ in Peru. With Christ as their rudder, the indigenous, national, and international Christians are propelling the movement forward.
The Lord is patient with the progress in Peru. God will bring the Gospel to each people group, even by the unconventional means of uniting indigenous, national and international. Like pebbles in Christ’s hands, Juan Carlos and Zulema are part of the ripple effect God has started in Peru. Depending on Him, they have wholly devoted themselves to following His leading. Be a part of the swelling tide today in Peru.
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