chris and tina sprague family

Drake & Megan Sprague

South America

Who and where are the tribes of the Amazon and lowland jungles of South America? What languages do they speak? What opportunities exist to reach them with the gospel? As the ALTECO Research Coordinators, the Spragues equip our field teams to investigate and develop strategies to maximize the impact of their ministries. In the course of their work they conduct field research, create maps of the tribal areas, and train indigenous missionaries to participate throughout the information gathering and sharing process.

Drake grew up in the former Panama Canal Zone, speaks English and Spanish, and has served in Mexico, South America and Southeast Asia. While living among a remote Amazon jungle tribe, Drake was struck by the lack of ministry-relevant information available to missionaries. Seeking God’s direction to help address this need, Drake pursued advanced training in research, obtaining a master’s degree in Geography with a focus on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Megan was raised in south Florida. She speaks English natively, learned Spanish in Mexico and Thai while while serving among tribal people groups in northern Thailand as part of a medical ministry team. Since 2010, the Spragues have served together in full time research ministry while living in southern Mexico, Panama and southeastern USA.  

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