short term team in south America

Short-Term Teams

Our short-term teams are sent for the end purpose of strengthening Amazonian indigenous churches and supporting ALTECO partners and their projects. Short-term teams are a catalyst for relational, long-term partnership. The experiences intentionally aim for mutual benefit.

Our intention is to send well-prepared teams that embrace our South American partners and the vision of the Three Waves Movement. We seek to take part in projects that bolster the credibility of national and indigenous missionaries.

Our short-term teams serve alongside indigenous and national partners. A team will not be sent to just produce results FOR the host group but to work WITH them. Teams will be structured to facilitate relationship and discipleship opportunities.

We seek to take part in meeting genuine needs expressed by our partners in the field, so that the Gospel can move forward strategically. Teams will only be sent as a response to a felt need on the ground.

Other Ways to Donate


with a credit/debit card using the online donation above.


Descargue nuestro Formulario de Autorización de Borrador de ACH aquí e imprima y llene y envíe por correo a nuestra oficina principal con una copia de un cheque anulado adjunto.


Por favor, haga un cheque a nombre de ALTECO y en la línea de memorándum puede anotar un misionero específico o Fondo General.

Enviar cheque por correo a: ALTECO
P.O. Box 271109
Littleton, CO 80127

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Para los Donantes Canadienses:

8500 Torbram Road; Unit 56
Brampton, ON L6T 5C6
905-458-1202 or 800-883-7697
Email address:
Por favor designe su donación para: Nombre o Proyecto del Destinatario/ALTECO